Part one
Learning outcome one:
“Describe the potential of human-centered learning in distributed and open learning contexts”
- I read all the reading materials of Topic one to have a better understanding of various types of human-centered learning.
- Topic one Blog.
I focused on sharing my reflection about An Urgency of Teachers: The work of critical and Teaching in blended learning environments: Creating and sustaining communities of inquiry in my first Blog. I talked about the advantage of blended teaching mode and focused on mentioning the importance of distributed learning (online activities). Besides, I also learnt about the CoI framework after reading Teaching in blended learning environments: Creating and sustaining communities of inquiry. What impressed me most was the responsibility of students.
“All participants in a collaborative learning environment must assume various degrees of teaching responsibilities depending on the specific content, developmental level, and ability” (Vaughan et al., 2013, Teaching presence section, para. 3).
I realized that I also played an essential role in a class. This reminde me to remember the responsibility of mine when I participate in the class in the future.
From completing the above activities, I had a basic understanding of distributed learning and open learning. Also, I realized how to properly participate in an online class.
What I learned matters to me because it has positive impact on my future online studying.
Learning outcome two:
“Explore and engage with current literature on the distributed and open education movement”
- Comments
Topic two comment on Ziwei’s Blog post
Topic two comment on Yaqi’s Blog post
In my comment on Ziwei’s second Blog post about open learning, I stated the advantage of open learning which was mentioned in the reading materials. Also, I expressed my personal open learning experience and learning result.
From completing the above activities, I realized the advantages and disadvantages of open learning. I also learned the drawbacks of open learning based on my peers’ experience.
What I learned matters to me because it can help me to choose what type of course I want to take in the future. After consider the drawbacks of open learning and distributed learning, I would choose the one that can achieve my expected learning outcome.
Learning outcome three:
“Critically reflect on and articulate concepts around modality, pedagogy, and access, including distributed and open learning theory, online and open learning history, privacy laws, online learning communities, open research, and open data.”
- I read the fourth chapter of Teaching online: A guide to theory, research, and practice. I realized the huge differences between closed online learning and open online learning. What impressed me most was the enrollment of open learning.
“Open courses provide opportunities and connections that can serve as inspiring supports for students. The serendipity of networks is one of the reasons I’m a huge advocate for openness in course design (Major, 2015, Enrollment section, para. 8).”
I shared my thoughts about the fourth chapter of Teaching online: A guide to theory, research, and practice. I also mentioned how could open learning helps my own learning outcome.
- Comment
Here is the second and third paragraphs of my comment on Ziqi’s first post. I mentioned the importance of communications and interaction on learning and came up with ideas about online communication.
“Also, I agree with your argument that teachers are very important to students. I think the interaction between teachers and students has great impact on learners’ learning outcomes. And the interaction is hard to be replaced.”
“I think there are some effective ways to construct online departments. For instance, they can use use some apps to help set up online communication. Also, teachers can use some relative multimedia materials to attract the learners.”
From completing the above activities, I had a better understanding about how to design and online course.
What I learned matters to me because I want to be an online Statistics teacher in the future. I should know some basic class-design skills.
Learning outcome four:
“Examine and reflect upon the potential for equitable access for all learners in online and open learning contexts.”
- I read the article Design principles for indigenous learning spaces. What impressed me most was the inequality of students from less wealthy family.
“There are few spaces in the public domain where Aboriginal people experience a sense of control. If they venture into towns a subtle yet pervasive racism precludes them from comfortably accessing public facilities like banks, cafes, and even the public swimming pool. In many communities—and even towns—there are few public access spaces where Aboriginal people can engage in informal personal, recreational, functional or informational reading and writing activities. This is mirrored in the domestic domain. In many homes books, pens, paper, children’s educational resources or computers—all the resources taken for granted in the literate
middle class domestic environment—are not readily available” (Kral & Schwab, 2012, Design principle 1: A space young people control section, para. 3).
- I read Defining OER-enabled Pedagogy. What impressed me most is the four-part test.
“1. Are students asked to create new artifacts (essays, poems, videos, songs, etc.) or revise / remix existing OER?
2. Does the new artifact have value beyond supporting the learning of its author?
3. Are students invited to publicly share their new artifacts or revised / remixed OER?
4. Are students invited to openly license their new artifacts or revised / remixed OER?”(Wiley & Hilton III, 2018, Introduction section, para. 12).
From completing the above activities, I understood what is OERs and the impacts of OER. Also, I realized the inequality of open learning.
What I learned matters to me because I want to be an online teacher in the future. It is my responsibility to spare no effort in reducing the inequality in my course.
Learning outcome five:
“Conduct research into and critically reflect upon emerging and future educational technologies”
In the chart of the project, I mentioned:
“Also, he can use other platforms to communicate with others, such as social media.”
- Practice
I tried to learn Statistics using Blog. I followed several Maths and Statistics Blog, such as R-statistics Blog and Statistics by Jim.
- Comment
Here is the first paragraph of my comment on Ziqi’s first post.
“I definitely agree with your worries about electronic devices. Nowadays, I think more and more people accept the fact that with proper design, students can learn lots of knowledge using electronic devices. For instance, lots of teachers choose social media and multimedia to teach students.”
From completing the above activities, I learned multiple ways to study.
What I learned matters to me because I faced lots of difficulties in studying. Luckily, I learned multiple ways in studying which has positive impacts on my academic performance.
Learning outcome six:
“Practice digital, networked, and open literacies in support of learning about distributed and open learning”
- I shared my thoughts and comments on Blog for each topics.
Comment on Jindi’s second Blog post
Comment on Kenzie’s second Blog post
Comment on Yaqi’s second Blog post
Comment on Ziwei’s second Blog post
Comment on XuChang’s second Blog post
Comment on Xuchang’s third Blog post
Comment on Ziwei’s third Blog post
Comment on Yaqi’s third Blog post
Comment on Jindi’s third Blog post
Comment on Kenzie’s third Blog post
Comment on Ziwei’s fourth Blog post
Comment on Xuchang’s fourth Blog post
Comment on Yaqi’s fourth Blog post
From completing the above activities, I could write a professional teaching Blog now.
What I learned matters to me because it can benefits my future career. Blog is a great way to teach Statistics knowledge. Also, it provides me opportunities to communicate with people interested in Statistics.
Part two
After I read the post again, I made some changes about the grammar and format.
Due to the comment, I added three paragraphs to show the problems the teenagers of those villages would meet in their future life. I added those paragraphs to show the importance of education for those teenagers from deprived families.
Also, based on the suggestion, I changed the title of my blog and the title of the showcase Blog is more appropriate for my content.
Banow, R. (n.d.). Learning Outcomes [EDCI339 Learning outcomes]. University of Victoria.
Kral, I. & Schwab, R.G. (2012). Chapter 4: Design principles for indigenous learning spaces. Safe learning Spaces: Youth, literacy and new media in remote indigenous Australia. ANU Press.
Major, C. H. (2015). Course structure. Teaching Online – A Guide to Theory, Research, and Practice (pp. 76-108). Johns Hopkins University Press.
Vaughan, N. D., Garrison, D. R., & Cleveland-Innes, M. (2013). Teaching in blended learning environments: Creating and sustaining communities of inquiry. AU Press.
Wiley, D., & Hilton III, J. L. (2018). Defining OER-enabled pedagogy. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 19(4).
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